KI und ai-predict (1)
The demand for AI solutions that go beyond a purely analytical approach will increase massively over the next few years. The recognition of patterns or correlations in existing databases and the intelligent search for solutions for specialist solutions where traditional approaches do not (sufficiently) lead to companies looking for AI solutions. The shortage of AI experts with both technical and AI knowledge will further increase this challenge. A smart solution to solve this challenge are customized machine learning pipelines. Such AI solutions are designed to be “problem-specific”, expandable and integrated into IT and company processes. ai-predict creates customer-specific machine learning pipelines (AI pipelines). With the AI pipeline, the customer can create models for their business processes at any time on the basis of their current database. The procedure comprises several project phases with a high focus on implementation, which also reduces the customer’s implementation risk. The ai-predict AI pipelines have three technical orientations (ai.recipe, and ai.pharma) to develop AI solutions within an existing technical framework. Such an AI pipeline can be operated on a customer-specific basis (SaaS or OnPromise). ai-predict was founded in February 2022, as all founders have the relevant prior knowledge.