KI und ai-predict (3)
With the project stages (ai.QuickScan, ai.Prototyping and ai.Project), we optimally map the project phases for the introduction of an ML pipeline. The investment increases with a low base, each project stage includes a successful implementation. The ai.QuickScan validates whether a specific problem can be solved with AI. This enables you to recognize what a successful implementation might look like. The risk if the problem or database turns out to be unsuitable is manageable for both parties in terms of time and money. This ai.Quickscan will be mapped as a fixed-price project. ai.Prototyping will develop a prototype based on the findings of ai.QuickScan . The prototype implicitly validates the solution and also the business case for you. However, the prototype is not yet technologically integrated into the customer’s process and IT landscape. The prototype will be offered as a fixed-price project. ai.Project builds on this prototype with further expansion stages. The duration and scope depend on the customer, but in these cases we assume implementations lasting several years. These realized AI software solutions and the software then implemented by the customer or operated by ai-predict are also licensed and maintained over a defined period of time.